To the Moms & Sisters (and others) Who Keep Traditions Going

One hundred sixty-two cups. That is a lot of cups. And when it’s your tradition to spend a day making 162 cups of something special (let’s say, Chex Mix) to share with others, it can be downright exhausting.

My mom, Pat, with 162 cups to share. And Deanna, my sister, working hard behind the scenes to make it all happen.

Lucky for me, I get to be on the receiving end of this love and generosity. My mom and sister carry on this Christmas tradition for us, and everyone in our family eagerly awaits being handed a bag of special-recipe Chex Mix – with our name written on it.

Whether it’s Chex Mix, cookies, candies, popcorn – or in these parts, lefse – the holidays are a time when the dedicated few come together to carry on fun and meaningful traditions.

Frankly, those of us on the receiving end don’t always realize (or appreciate) all the time, planning and expense that goes into it all. But the dedicated few know there’s something pretty wonderful about coming together – and making something special to share with others. 

So if you’re someone who keeps a family tradition going (on top of all your other holiday to-dos) a big thank you and a “cheers!” to you.

 You truly are a Giver ❤

 All the best this holiday season,


PS  If you’re someone who likes to make and give unique thoughtful gifts, just a reminder that all our Just Wow! gift kits make it fun and easy to create special gifts that you’ll be proud to share with others. I invite you to check them out. Who knows … you might be inspired to start a new tradition!


PPS   I also invite you to follow us. You’ll be the first to hear about our latest gift kits and business updates. (I’d love to hear your feedback on all of it!!

What is Just Wow! Kits?

We make it fun and easy to make mason jar gifts that you’re proud to give, and others are delighted to receive.

You supply the jar and goodies to go inside -- and we supply the wow! With your creativity and our finishing touches, you will LOVE the reaction your jar gifts get. Plus, all our kits come with our exclusive mason jar totes. You won’t find them anywhere else!


Saw Wow!® Stackers Gift Kits

Our Stackers gift kits make it  it's easy to add layers of fun to your jar gifts –  with colorful stacks and special treats.


Say Wow!® Peepers® Gift Kits

Our Peepers® Gift Kits are guaranteed to bring smiles – when you make your adorable gifts and when you share them with others!