Wow! Is this really happening?


That’s what I’m asking myself right now as I pull together this first blog post. It’s an exciting new beginning. But it has also been quite a journey to get here. I’m glad to have the help of some talented folks who are guiding and nudging me along. I trust them when they say I need to tell my story … So here it goes


It started by creating special gifts for caregivers


How did you come up with Just Wow! Kits? What was your inspiration? I hear those questions often.

The short answer is that it started as a simple volunteer project/idea to help me feel creative and connected to others. 


But the real-life answer includes a few more details. Like knowing my husband and I would have an empty nest in a few years. So I was definitely on the lookout for something to add to my nest. I wanted my “next chapter” to be challenging, meaningful and fun! 


For me, that meant focusing on something that would bring joy to others – and that would tap into what brings me joy: creativity and “sharing the love.”


My first project idea was to create and donate care packages made especially for caregivers. The care package included a few pampering items, chocolates or another treat, and a handwritten message letting them know they are recognized, valued and appreciated for the important care they give.


My plan was to create a dozen packages at a time and then donate them to local churches, organizations so they could distribute to caregivers in their community.


Time-out for a few lessons learned


With my first batch of gifts, I quickly  realized #1) it can be really hard to assemble thoughtful gifts and make each one look as lovely as the next.  And #2)  I was going to need a system to make my gift giving easier – so when I was ready to create a few care packages, each one would come together quickly and look great. I wanted to love how each one looked  – so each person would be delighted with their surprise gift.


(What I didn’t realize immediately is that this “system” would become Just Wow! Kits.)


The aha! moment … and how mason jars came into the picture


I knew that a LOT of people love the idea of creating thoughtful, handcrafted gifts – but they are intimidated by it, and don’t know where/how to start. That was my “aha” moment. I decided to start creating gift kits for all the “Givers” out there. I wanted to make it easy for anyone to be creative and to make impressive and foolproof handcrafted gifts.


But hmmm. What to add to the kit? I had given many mason jar gifts over the years. And because there are so many fun and creative things you can do with mason jars, I decided to build my gift kit idea around them.  I love the fact that they are both functional and creative. For generations they have helped us share (and receive)  thoughtful gifts of home cooking and canning. And they are always a fun and creative “package” option, to hold other goodies.  


But one problem with mason jars … they can be awkward to carry and to give. They’re also heavy and breakable. So instead of including mason jars in my gift kits, I focused on creating a sturdy and stylish jar tote that would highlight the jars. I worked with a local box manufacturer to design and create the Just Wow! Kits jar tote. So instead of jars, you’ll find jar totes in all my gift kits.


There you have it. The longer real-life answer about my inspiration for Just Wow! Kits.



Working hard to celebrate all you Givers!


I have bootstrapped this fun and exciting side-hustle of mine for the last five years. (I also have a day job that I love, btw) I’ve spent many late nights crafting ideas for new gift kits and assembling them around our dining table. I’ve set-up tents at weekend craft fairs, opened an Etsy shop, and networked and presented to fellow entrepreneurs for feedback at events like 1Million Cups.


Now I’m ready to pull back the curtain and share my gift kits more broadly – which is why I’m here. I’m excited to see if you like the idea of having a kit to help you create impressive, thoughtful and fail-proof handcrafted gifts. I hope so – but either way, I know I can learn a lot from you.


In the meantime, I am loving this journey… and thrilled that my next chapter will include serving and celebrating all you Givers out there. 